Region - Rural/Regional QLD
Owner - Mary G.
Response Rating
Property Type: House
Dates: 6 - 7 Jun 2025
Application close: 31 Dec 2025
Length: 1 days
Pets to care for: Dog(s), Bird(s)
Located 12km west of Stanthorpe. Rural setting on 12 ha. Look after 2 small house dogs and short walk daily. Feed wild finches and parrots. Water house plants.
Pets & farm animals
House Tasks
Collect mail Water house plants
Property Facilities:
WiFi, Heating, Cooling, Washing machine, Dryer, Room for caravan, BBQ, Pet(s) welcome, if compatible, Wheelchair acess
Neighbourhood Facilities:
Local shops, Supermarket, Doctor, Vet, Restaurant / Cafes, Parks
Garden/Lawn Care: